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Sex tips for when you’ve got something to celebrate

June 15, 2018

Sex Tips For When You Have Something To Celebrate | Durex India


Birthdays, anniversaries are just a few of the important dates on everyone’s calendar. These are days that everyone is looking out for no matter who you are. Read on and find out how Durex can help you make these occasions a little extra special for you and your partner; and how to spice it up between the sheets when you have something to celebrate, like the sun coming out every day. So go ahead, pop it open, blow the candles and eat that cake.


Given that you remember your significant other’s birthday, here is how you can make that day even more special.

The best way to begin the day is with a nice wholesome, yet sensual breakfast in bed. This will surely start the day off on the right foot for both of you. Things can only get and feel better afterward. No one other than you knows what food your partner likes the most so waste no time and get working on that favorite dish.

One other nice thing to do on your partner’s birthday is take the day off and spend it with them doing things they like. There are a number of romantic things you can do together which are not expensive. A simple stroll in the park, or by a lake can help ignite the love. The subtle hand touches, or just holding hands while in the park talking of times old can help bring you’ll closer than ever.

After spending the entire day together, it’s time to make the night frisky and naughty. When they are away, you can set the mood right with a few scented candles, sexy music and just let the evening lead to where it does. But during the entire fun and frolic, ensure nothing changes the plan and you use protection in the form of Durex Extra Safe Condoms. These are a little thicker, and have more lube on them in comparison to standard condoms. The best part is that they come in an easy-on shape which makes sex easier without really sacrificing various sensual feelings.

We can promise if you follow these tips, you and your partner will have a brilliant day and a birthday to never forget.


Everyone looks forward to a good holiday after a couple of strong months at work. Some people like to stay home relax and just do nothing but spend time with family while a few like to make a plan and head out of town. Whatever you choose to do, this is the perfect time to relieve yourself from work stress and to take the intimacy of your marriage to the next level. Here is what you could do either on a trip or if you stay in. Find the perfect, quiet and secluded restaurant and have a romantic dinner. Start with wine to help raise your testosterone levels which will help improve your reactions when you get down to business1. When it comes to ordering food, look to order something that contains chili peppers. Why chili pepper you ask? It causes you to sweat and causes your heart rate to increase as it releases endorphin's, both those things happen when you are aroused and just like the wine, it helps between the sheets2. But If you are not a fan of eating some spicy food there are kinds and types foods that can get you feeling sexy as well. Food that is high in protein can help do the job as well. They boost the level of dopamine and norepinephrine, which acts in a similar way the chill's do. An added advantage is that the zinc that it contains helps protect you against your biggest enemy, impotence3.

New Year

Every year on this day, people make New Year resolutions in hope to change and improve their life. New times, new you! This presents itself as a great opportunity for you and your partner to make a few resolutions for what happens and how it happens between the sheets. Each relationship will have a downturn from time to time but that is when you have to put that little extra effort to make it better. One really good option is to keep things as much fun, experimental and fiery in bed. Be open to trying out new sex positions every day for about a month. This seems really crazy, but there are over 100 sex positions to choose from. Get educated and see how your sex life improves. Read the Kama Sutra4, and you will understand that 100 sex positions in the first month of the year is certainly something possible. Now being realistic, having sex every day throughout the year is something that may not happen however, there are other things that you do which can help keep the intimacy alive. If you can manage to exercise daily, it will be really good. You general health will improve and will your stamina in bed. It will help make you flexible and hence open to trying new things in bed5.

So now you know what you have to do this year, so it makes sense to start working on it sooner the better. Keep at it and watch your life change.